Tripping Around The Altar

Posted by FBLorenzana | 3:53 AM | , , | 4 comments »

First, I would like to apologize for not posting for awhile. I was so busy with my works and I seldom found time updating some of my blogs. Sorry folks.

I knew, I've lost some of you, but please bear with me until new year. Rest assured, I will be posting more often.


This is not related to my experiences inside the seminary but what I am going to say today was my perennial experience eversince I learned to hear masses, may it be on Sundays or ordinary days.

For sure, you will see more of this during this advent season, people tripping around the altar, acting holier than the Holy.

I will say my apology in advance for those people who will be hit with this. Have you ever seen laity toing and froing around the altar during masses? If yes, what can you say about him/her?

It is annoying to note that though some of these laity people helped a lot in the administration of some churches activities, some are going overboard or overdoing it. And it is disgusting.

So, there must be clear lines to be drawn between the role of the laity and the role of the priest. I know, there should be. But, sometimes, these (the lines) are becoming dimmer as days go by.

I’ve noticed that laities were and are fond of going to Mass, if they can get to a church before nightfall and the church has not been padlocked to the faithful) and to receive sacraments (Oh, I mean, giving the Holy Communion to those churchgoers who stuck their tongue like licking those dicks) and afterwhich genuflecting and making the signs of the cross several times, which were and obviously are unnecessary, during masses.

As I’ve noticed, these laities are happy to help with practical matters in the church administration such as, but not limited to, going through accounts and listings of people who haven’t gave their monthly tithes, answering phones and sometime managing diaries (?).

They loved to be around the priest and loved to be at his disposal all the time and to even making themselves available looking after the holy grounds of the church.

Whew! I do appreciate their help but they are not really comfortable to be with while tripping around on the altar and getting in the way of the Mass. And of course, some are taking on busy-body roles that waste the Church’s money and these pseudo-roles, mostly or usually, end in disasters as bad as their pseudo advices. What the hell?

I’ve seen these pseudo holies as the most mean-spirited people in the parish and come to think of it, they are the ones who most likely to stand with their arms folded as they line up for Communion.

And the worst was this, this pseudo who was helping to prepare couples for marriage. He took his anointment as excuse to seduce a future bride.

How was that? I mean, this post?


  1. Anonymous // December 20, 2009 at 5:45 PM  

    Serenity Prayer,

    “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it is me!”

    Let this be the prayer of those who profess to change the be servant of the many... specially those pseudo holies tripping around the Altar and to those hiding in the conclaves of the Hill.


  2. FBLorenzana // December 28, 2009 at 12:50 AM  

    what'a prayer my friend? My the Good Lord grant you the 'serenity' sans the 'stupidity' of those hollies...err, bullies.

  3. Islamic blog // October 20, 2010 at 8:10 PM  

    nice post i like it and nice prayer keep post continue thanks for shearing

  4. Anonymous // December 8, 2014 at 8:15 AM  

    Don't judge the book by its cover. You don't even know one's heart and its intentions.