Ondoy is not GOD's WRATH. PERIOD!

Posted by FBLorenzana | 10:38 PM | , | 0 comments »

As the water brought by Ondoy can't sink in yet, so as the emotions, griefs, helplessness as well as blames and pinpointing.

I heard these lines, many times: IT'S GOD'S WRATH. IT'S AN ACT OF GOD. Whoa! My Holy Golly!

Do you really believe that God forsakes His people? Can you not spare your God and give Him rest?

I share the griefs and losses of my fellow citizens of this forsaken republic. And I,too, admire how Filipinos acted as one to save and to console those badly affected by this typhoon that brought gallons of rain unparalleled for over 40 years. That was the true people power that can't be usurped by anybody. Ooops!

Err, it was usurped by some, I think, by blatantly announcing their charitable acts specifically embodied through this equally inept host of a mundane noontime TV show who made poor people as laughing stocks.

Moreover, at the height of this trying times, some people took advantages of this devastating event for their selfish agenda. One Filipino saintly ex-pat posted at Facebook wall (the account was closed immediately, see print screen here): You deserved this, you sinners! One Korean ugly ducking also tweeted (see print screen here also): I wish the rain continues and kill those Filipino monkeys. Well, this is the problem of baptizing or christianizing our poverty: blessed are the poor and blessed are those who wept for they will inherit a kingdom. Preach and act. Tax your church and give them away to the poor.

Whew! When you are devastated, then you are a sinner? What a lie?!

And... at least, here in the Philippines, monkeys knew how to watch korean telenovelas, films with cinematographies that insult the art of creating motion pictures.

These unsolicited and ill-advised shout outs drew numerous reactions, equally nonsense, time-consuming diatribes, thus, creating apathy instead of sympathy. What a heck?!

Heck again! I should not be writing this nonsense article.

What I would like to put in here is this: Ondoy showcases our inefficiencies! That's all.

This is not God's wrath. Period!

Who do you think you are to blame your God? It is your fault to live in an inefficient system of government who can't even have a good urban planning and who have no will power to decongest thickly populated areas. This is also the fault of those people who preach salvations in hardship! WTF!

The Christian God commanded man to be guardian of the world, not ruler of the world. Man is the custodian of nature, not destroyer of nature.

Another thing, if you have brain, your God commanded you to build your house on top of a rock, not on top of a creek! Damn!

Well, I will turn this rant to those equally inefficient lawmakers, planners, administrators, etc. If you have brain, again, why can you not decentralize Manila? Why can you not put national central offices at Pangasinan, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro? Why can you not limit numbers of factories in Manila and let those businessmen put their factories outside Manila?

If government is decentralized, people could be spread and that will decongest the Capital. People could find opportunities at their own regions. Every region could invite businessmen to put their factories, offices, call centers, colleges and universities outside the Capital. When there are equal opportunities among regions, people will not troop to Manila and will not build their house on top of creeks, rivers and waterways. My golly, leave those water tributaries alone!

And give those golf courses, too, to poor and let them build their homes there. Playing golf could lead to corruption. Can you not remember Abalos anymore?

Put opportunities outside Manila and people will desert that hellish capital and let those crocs near the famous Pasig river stink.

Lastly, those of you who are not Taga-ilog, leave those Taga-Ilog alone there.

Enough for now.

PS. My next post will banged on the systematic inculturation that also causes flooding. Padaananyo!